Building a Monastery in Bodhgaya

We fervently wish that for His Holiness’ future visits to Bodhgaya, all prayers and pujas can be celebrated within the walls of the temple at the new Sakya Monastery.
We fervently wish that for His Holiness’ future visits to Bodhgaya, all prayers and pujas can be celebrated within the walls of the temple at the new Sakya Monastery.
I am very pleased that the Dolma Phodrang Foundation has been established and I rejoice in its noble aim to contribute to the betterment of society.
It is commendable that it proposes to make a contribution on both a social and a spiritual level, as this will not only help to remedy social ills such as ignorance, poverty and illness, but will also play an important part in helping people at large find deep inner satisfaction.
I hope that the Foundation may swiftly and continually accomplish all its goals.
The Sakya Trizin
It is with great enthusiasm that I am unveiling the birth of the Dolma Phodrang Foundation. The Foundation is set up to carry out philanthropic activities, to help those less fortunate than ourselves, provide educational opportunities to the younger generation, improve our society through moral and spiritual engagement, to make the world a better place to live in.