Main objectives of the Foundation
– To provide education to the public irrespective of caste, creed or colour, by establishing, running, managing, promoting and contributing to residential schools and institutes that offer education in theology, philosophy, art and culture with particular emphasis on the Sakya order of Buddhism.
– To establish courses, diplomas and degrees in Buddhist theology and philosophy equivalent to Bachelor, Master and Post Doctorate degrees.
– To establish, run or support research and study centres, retreat centres, prayer houses and Buddhist temples, in India and abroad.
– To organise seminars, lectures, as well as to publish and distribute Buddhist literature in different languages of the world to promote correct and proper understanding of Buddhism.
– To conduct religious events for the promotion of world peace and to organise inter-faith meetings in order to forge peace and unity among all different religious beliefs and traditions.
– To establish, develop, maintain and grant aid in cash or in kind to hospitals, medical schools, medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centres and/or such other similar charitable institutions in India and abroad for the benefit and use of the general public.
– To establish, run, support and grant aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, libraries, universities, laboratories, research and other institutions of the like nature in India for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge about Buddhism.
– To establish, maintain and run studentships, scholarships including supply of books, stipends, medals and other incentives for higher studies.
– To promote, establish, support, maintain or grant aid to institutions for the promotion of science, literature, music, drama and fine arts.
– To preserve historical Buddhist monuments and other institutions in India and abroad.
– To establish, maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphans, widows and destitute persons.
– To grant relief and assistance to the needy, victims of natural calamities such as famine, earth quake, flood, fire, pestilence, etc. and to give donations and other assistance to institutions, establishments or to persons engaged in such relief work.
– To invite scholars to give religious teachings and discourses from time to time.